Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-briefs and Eco-sweeps

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Great Crested Cormorant

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Great...

Double-crested cormorants nest in colonies that can be so large that their feces can kill the trees they nest in. They may also nest on the ground. These areas become...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Great...

Double-crested cormorants nest in colonies that can be so large that their feces can kill the trees they nest in. They may also nest on the ground. These areas become...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: The Eagle Eye

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: The E...

Bald eagles have a powerful sense of sight that can see a fish from well over a mile away. Bald eagle eyes also reduce glare, similar to polarizing lenses used...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: The E...

Bald eagles have a powerful sense of sight that can see a fish from well over a mile away. Bald eagle eyes also reduce glare, similar to polarizing lenses used...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Fen Wetlands

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Fen W...

Fen wetlands of the Upper Midwest occur in areas where cold groundwater spills out onto the earth. The flow of water may seep out of a hillside, such a stream...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Fen W...

Fen wetlands of the Upper Midwest occur in areas where cold groundwater spills out onto the earth. The flow of water may seep out of a hillside, such a stream...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosa)

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Jerus...

Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosa) is a native prairie sunflower that has a root system that forms underground tubers. Similar to potatoes, these tubers are safe places for the plant to...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Jerus...

Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosa) is a native prairie sunflower that has a root system that forms underground tubers. Similar to potatoes, these tubers are safe places for the plant to...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-sweep: Migratory Birds Predicting Hurricanes

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-sweep: Migra...

  The Veery, and other declining migratory bird species that call the Midwest home during the summer, have been found to reliably predict disastrous hurricane seasons. The birds wrap up...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-sweep: Migra...

  The Veery, and other declining migratory bird species that call the Midwest home during the summer, have been found to reliably predict disastrous hurricane seasons. The birds wrap up...

Midwest Wilderness connections Eco-sweep: Dragonflies and Ecological Services

Midwest Wilderness connections Eco-sweep: Drago...

While manning a booth at the farmers market yesterday, I noted dragonflies zipping above the crowd. The dragonflies were providing what is called an ecological service to the public, a...

Midwest Wilderness connections Eco-sweep: Drago...

While manning a booth at the farmers market yesterday, I noted dragonflies zipping above the crowd. The dragonflies were providing what is called an ecological service to the public, a...