Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-briefs and Eco-sweeps

MWC Eco-sweeps: A Prairie Surprise in an Illinois Railroad Right-of-Way

MWC Eco-sweeps: A Prairie Surprise in an Illino...

Have you ever been on a ride with a naturalist who hits the breaks to partake in impromptu remnant prairie ramblings while fiddling with new equipment? You have now! In...

MWC Eco-sweeps: A Prairie Surprise in an Illino...

Have you ever been on a ride with a naturalist who hits the breaks to partake in impromptu remnant prairie ramblings while fiddling with new equipment? You have now! In...

MWC Eco-brief: Monarch Butterfly Nectar Plants

MWC Eco-brief: Monarch Butterfly Nectar Plants

Monarch butterflies require milkweed (Asclepias spp.) as a larval food source. Just as important are nectar food plants to power adult monarch migrations north and south. Tropical milkweed sold at...

MWC Eco-brief: Monarch Butterfly Nectar Plants

Monarch butterflies require milkweed (Asclepias spp.) as a larval food source. Just as important are nectar food plants to power adult monarch migrations north and south. Tropical milkweed sold at...

MWC Eco-brief: Pellsville Cemetery Prairie Spring Wildflower Walk

MWC Eco-brief: Pellsville Cemetery Prairie Spri...

Take a virtual walk through the Pellsville Cemetery Prairie for a Memorial Day view of native spring wildflowers. The cemetery, established in 1872, is a beautiful time capsule of native...

MWC Eco-brief: Pellsville Cemetery Prairie Spri...

Take a virtual walk through the Pellsville Cemetery Prairie for a Memorial Day view of native spring wildflowers. The cemetery, established in 1872, is a beautiful time capsule of native...

MWC Eco-brief: Spring Flowering Wild Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis)

MWC Eco-brief: Spring Flowering Wild Columbine ...

Wild columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) is an early blooming native plant of wooded areas, savannas, and exposed bedrock and cliffs in the Midwest. As a spring blooming species, it is often...

MWC Eco-brief: Spring Flowering Wild Columbine ...

Wild columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) is an early blooming native plant of wooded areas, savannas, and exposed bedrock and cliffs in the Midwest. As a spring blooming species, it is often...