Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-briefs and Eco-sweeps

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Fen W...
Fen wetlands of the Upper Midwest occur in areas where cold groundwater spills out onto the earth. The flow of water may seep out of a hillside, such a stream...
Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Fen W...
Fen wetlands of the Upper Midwest occur in areas where cold groundwater spills out onto the earth. The flow of water may seep out of a hillside, such a stream...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Jerus...
Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosa) is a native prairie sunflower that has a root system that forms underground tubers. Similar to potatoes, these tubers are safe places for the plant to...
Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Jerus...
Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosa) is a native prairie sunflower that has a root system that forms underground tubers. Similar to potatoes, these tubers are safe places for the plant to...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Natur...
I went for a very lovely stroll with the kids through one of Champaign's urban parks dedicated to prairie restoration. It was definitely a mindfulness and anti-ruminating environment, each of...
Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Natur...
I went for a very lovely stroll with the kids through one of Champaign's urban parks dedicated to prairie restoration. It was definitely a mindfulness and anti-ruminating environment, each of...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Spice...
The spicebush swallowtail is a mimic of the poisonous pipevine swallow tail. The spicebush swallowtail frequents habitats that are wooded to open and savanna-like with a great deal of plant...
Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Spice...
The spicebush swallowtail is a mimic of the poisonous pipevine swallow tail. The spicebush swallowtail frequents habitats that are wooded to open and savanna-like with a great deal of plant...

Midwest Wilderness Connections: Natural Area Re...
In most Midwestern states, the dickcissel is listed as a grassland species of greatest conservation need. Due to the conversion of grasslands to agricultural, industrial, and residential land development, many...
Midwest Wilderness Connections: Natural Area Re...
In most Midwestern states, the dickcissel is listed as a grassland species of greatest conservation need. Due to the conversion of grasslands to agricultural, industrial, and residential land development, many...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Appen...
Appendaged Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum appendiculatum) is found in woodlands with moist soil that is high in organic matter. Note the ants visiting the flowers. There is a great deal of research...
Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Appen...
Appendaged Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum appendiculatum) is found in woodlands with moist soil that is high in organic matter. Note the ants visiting the flowers. There is a great deal of research...