Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-briefs and Eco-sweeps

MWC Eco-brief: Cellophane Bees
Early spring wildflowers are incredibly important to native bees emerging from their overwinter retreats. Here, cellophane bees are feeding on purple cress (Cardamine douglassii). Cellophane bees are ground nesting bees....
MWC Eco-brief: Cellophane Bees
Early spring wildflowers are incredibly important to native bees emerging from their overwinter retreats. Here, cellophane bees are feeding on purple cress (Cardamine douglassii). Cellophane bees are ground nesting bees....

MWC Eco-brief: Beauty and the Beast
We all marvel at the beauty and acrobatics of dragonflies and damselflies. Less well known is that years of their life are spent underwater as nymphs; the T-Rex...
MWC Eco-brief: Beauty and the Beast
We all marvel at the beauty and acrobatics of dragonflies and damselflies. Less well known is that years of their life are spent underwater as nymphs; the T-Rex...

MWC Eco-sweep: Muskrat Maneuvers
Muskrats build huts in standing water by mounding mud and vegetation that is significantly elevated above the water level. A central chamber within the hut is located above the...
MWC Eco-sweep: Muskrat Maneuvers
Muskrats build huts in standing water by mounding mud and vegetation that is significantly elevated above the water level. A central chamber within the hut is located above the...

MWC Eco-brief: Skunk Cabbage on the Scene
Skunk cabbage occurs in wooded wetlands where it produces yellow speckled maroon flowers in late winter to early spring. This plant can warm itself up to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, which...
MWC Eco-brief: Skunk Cabbage on the Scene
Skunk cabbage occurs in wooded wetlands where it produces yellow speckled maroon flowers in late winter to early spring. This plant can warm itself up to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, which...

MWC Eco-brief: Midwest Winter Wonderland
Take a ride through a Midwest winter wonderland in Allerton Park and Retreat Center, Monticello, Illinois. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Midwest Wilderness Connections (@midwestwildernessconnections)
MWC Eco-brief: Midwest Winter Wonderland
Take a ride through a Midwest winter wonderland in Allerton Park and Retreat Center, Monticello, Illinois. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Midwest Wilderness Connections (@midwestwildernessconnections)

MWC Eco-brief: Little gems of Iowa's prairies a...
Little gems of Iowa's prairies and wetlands are tucked away on private lands. What a glorious sight it must have been for the early pioneers to see the blooming wildflowers...
MWC Eco-brief: Little gems of Iowa's prairies a...
Little gems of Iowa's prairies and wetlands are tucked away on private lands. What a glorious sight it must have been for the early pioneers to see the blooming wildflowers...