MWC Eco-brief: Beauty and the Beast

MWC Eco-brief: Beauty and the Beast

A woman displays, in the palm of her hand, two dragonhunter dragonfly nymphs that were collected from a stream in Virginia, USA.
The first photo is of an adult male Eastern Pondhawk.  


We all marvel at the beauty and acrobatics of dragonflies and damselflies. Less well known is that years of their life are spent underwater as nymphs; the T-Rex of their world. While eye-catching adults patrol the airspace for a few weeks to months, some nymphs stalk on the bottoms of ponds, lakes, wetlands, and streams for up to 4-6 years. The first photo is of an adult male Eastern Pondhawk.  The second photo is of Dragonhunter (Hagenius brevistylus) nymphs that may lurk underwater for up to 7 years. As it's name suggests, dragonflies are on the dragonhunter's menu.

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