Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-briefs and Eco-sweeps

MWC Eco-sweep: Northern Saw-whet Owl & Identifying Owl Roost Trees

MWC Eco-sweep: Northern Saw-whet Owl & Identify...

The northern saw-whet owl is the Midwest's smallest owl species. It is a year round resident in the northern portions of the Midwest, but makes surprise visits further south during...

MWC Eco-sweep: Northern Saw-whet Owl & Identify...

The northern saw-whet owl is the Midwest's smallest owl species. It is a year round resident in the northern portions of the Midwest, but makes surprise visits further south during...

MWC Eco-brief: Eastern Redbud

MWC Eco-brief: Eastern Redbud

The eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis) is an early blooming tree species that is an important first food plant for emerging bees and pollinators in search of nectar and pollen. The...

MWC Eco-brief: Eastern Redbud

The eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis) is an early blooming tree species that is an important first food plant for emerging bees and pollinators in search of nectar and pollen. The...

MWC Eco-brief: Thomson Causeway Sunset

MWC Eco-brief: Thomson Causeway Sunset

Enjoy fabulous sunsets and wildlife viewing at Thomson Causeway Recreation Area where the Mississippi River is over 3-miles wide. Thomson, Illinois, USA.  #midwest #iowa #illinois #michigan #minnesota #wisconsin #missouri #nature #wildlife #habitat #nature #wilderness #MidwestWildernessConnections #NaturePhotography #MississippiRiver #UpperMississippiRiver #Sunset #ThomsonCausewayRecreationArea #Water #stream #river #RiverLife #Vacation #Discovery #Travel #Trip #RoadTrip #nature_photo

MWC Eco-brief: Thomson Causeway Sunset

Enjoy fabulous sunsets and wildlife viewing at Thomson Causeway Recreation Area where the Mississippi River is over 3-miles wide. Thomson, Illinois, USA.  #midwest #iowa #illinois #michigan #minnesota #wisconsin #missouri #nature #wildlife #habitat #nature #wilderness #MidwestWildernessConnections #NaturePhotography #MississippiRiver #UpperMississippiRiver #Sunset #ThomsonCausewayRecreationArea #Water #stream #river #RiverLife #Vacation #Discovery #Travel #Trip #RoadTrip #nature_photo

MWC Eco-briefs: That turtle does what? It breathes through its butt!

MWC Eco-briefs: That turtle does what? It breat...

  Trapped under winter ice, aquatic turtles slow down and collect oxygen in creative ways. They may pump water through a gaped mouth or their hind end, where a dense...

MWC Eco-briefs: That turtle does what? It breat...

  Trapped under winter ice, aquatic turtles slow down and collect oxygen in creative ways. They may pump water through a gaped mouth or their hind end, where a dense...

Midwest Wilderness Connections: BirdNET Smartphone App Tutorial

Midwest Wilderness Connections: BirdNET Smartph...

During this tutorial, viewers will learn how to use the BirdNET bird sound identification app for Android smartphones. While in the field, users record bird sounds in the app, submit...

Midwest Wilderness Connections: BirdNET Smartph...

During this tutorial, viewers will learn how to use the BirdNET bird sound identification app for Android smartphones. While in the field, users record bird sounds in the app, submit...

MWC Eco-brief: Cellophane Bees

MWC Eco-brief: Cellophane Bees

Early spring wildflowers are incredibly important to native bees emerging from their overwinter retreats. Here, cellophane bees are feeding on purple cress (Cardamine douglassii). Cellophane bees are ground nesting bees....

MWC Eco-brief: Cellophane Bees

Early spring wildflowers are incredibly important to native bees emerging from their overwinter retreats. Here, cellophane bees are feeding on purple cress (Cardamine douglassii). Cellophane bees are ground nesting bees....