Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-briefs and Eco-sweeps

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Fox S...
The eastern fox squirrel prefers more open canopied woodlands and forest edges than the eastern gray squirrel. By utilizing different habitats, the two squirrel species avoid direct competition for basic...
Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Fox S...
The eastern fox squirrel prefers more open canopied woodlands and forest edges than the eastern gray squirrel. By utilizing different habitats, the two squirrel species avoid direct competition for basic...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: The O...
Over 3 million years ago, the Panama land bridge formed and connected the North American and South American Continents prompting the Great American Biotic Exchange. Virginia opossums migrated from South...
Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: The O...
Over 3 million years ago, the Panama land bridge formed and connected the North American and South American Continents prompting the Great American Biotic Exchange. Virginia opossums migrated from South...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Carol...
Finding Carolina anemone (Anemone caroliniana) blooming in the spring is a special treat. It is a very short plant with white or blue flowers and fine leaves that fade into...
Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Carol...
Finding Carolina anemone (Anemone caroliniana) blooming in the spring is a special treat. It is a very short plant with white or blue flowers and fine leaves that fade into...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Midwe...
Many Midwest streams and rivers have been straightened by channelization. The soil removed from the stream channel is often sidecast next to the stream creating levees that block the stream...
Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Midwe...
Many Midwest streams and rivers have been straightened by channelization. The soil removed from the stream channel is often sidecast next to the stream creating levees that block the stream...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Hallo...
Halloween penants have a habit of sitting on the tip of a perch while fluttering their wings in the breeze. After being disturbed, Halloween penants often return to the same...
Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Hallo...
Halloween penants have a habit of sitting on the tip of a perch while fluttering their wings in the breeze. After being disturbed, Halloween penants often return to the same...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Weste...
The harmless western fox snake is a common Midwest species often found in the transition zone (ecotone) between wooded and herbaceous habitats. They are constrictors, primarily prey on rodents, and...
Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Weste...
The harmless western fox snake is a common Midwest species often found in the transition zone (ecotone) between wooded and herbaceous habitats. They are constrictors, primarily prey on rodents, and...