Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-briefs and Eco-sweeps

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Fox S...
The eastern fox squirrel prefers more open canopied woodlands and forest edges than the eastern gray squirrel. By utilizing different habitats, the two squirrel species avoid direct competition for basic...
Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Fox S...
The eastern fox squirrel prefers more open canopied woodlands and forest edges than the eastern gray squirrel. By utilizing different habitats, the two squirrel species avoid direct competition for basic...

MWC Eco-brief: Eastern Gray Squirrel
The eastern gray squirrel is a common occurrence in forests as well as treed backyards and parks. This species plays an important role in the ecosystem by dispersing and burying...
MWC Eco-brief: Eastern Gray Squirrel
The eastern gray squirrel is a common occurrence in forests as well as treed backyards and parks. This species plays an important role in the ecosystem by dispersing and burying...

MWC Eco-sweep: Northern Saw-whet Owl & Identify...
The northern saw-whet owl is the Midwest's smallest owl species. It is a year round resident in the northern portions of the Midwest, but makes surprise visits further south during...
MWC Eco-sweep: Northern Saw-whet Owl & Identify...
The northern saw-whet owl is the Midwest's smallest owl species. It is a year round resident in the northern portions of the Midwest, but makes surprise visits further south during...

MWC Eco-brief: Eastern Redbud
The eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis) is an early blooming tree species that is an important first food plant for emerging bees and pollinators in search of nectar and pollen. The...
MWC Eco-brief: Eastern Redbud
The eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis) is an early blooming tree species that is an important first food plant for emerging bees and pollinators in search of nectar and pollen. The...