Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-briefs and Eco-sweeps

MWC Eco-Sweep: Dormant Sowing Native Plant Seed

MWC Eco-Sweep: Dormant Sowing Native Plant Seed

Join me in this video to learn about dormant sowing seed of native plants in the Upper Midwest ❄️

MWC Eco-Sweep: Dormant Sowing Native Plant Seed

Join me in this video to learn about dormant sowing seed of native plants in the Upper Midwest ❄️

Midwest Woodland Prescribed Fire - A Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-Brief

Midwest Woodland Prescribed Fire - A Midwest Wi...

Join me in a quick video discussing the importance and benefits of prescribed fire in oak dominated woodlands!

Midwest Woodland Prescribed Fire - A Midwest Wi...

Join me in a quick video discussing the importance and benefits of prescribed fire in oak dominated woodlands!

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Canada Bluejoint Wet Meadows

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Canad...

Canada bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis) wet meadows vs. invasive stands of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea). How to tell the difference and how to restore monarch habitat through win-win opportunities for...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Canad...

Canada bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis) wet meadows vs. invasive stands of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea). How to tell the difference and how to restore monarch habitat through win-win opportunities for...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Prairie Seeding Success or Failure?

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Prair...

Enjoy this quick impromptu video highlighting important info regarding the establishment of a prairie restoration seeding.

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Prair...

Enjoy this quick impromptu video highlighting important info regarding the establishment of a prairie restoration seeding.

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Fairmount Cemetery Prairie

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Fairm...

The last native bluff prairie remnant in Davenport, Iowa can be visited in Fairmount Cemetery. Towering above the Mississippi River, this prairie has been holding this bluff in place for...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Fairm...

The last native bluff prairie remnant in Davenport, Iowa can be visited in Fairmount Cemetery. Towering above the Mississippi River, this prairie has been holding this bluff in place for...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Carolina Anemone

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Carol...

Finding Carolina anemone (Anemone caroliniana) blooming in the spring is a special treat. It is a very short plant with white or blue flowers and fine leaves that fade into...

Midwest Wilderness Connections Eco-brief: Carol...

Finding Carolina anemone (Anemone caroliniana) blooming in the spring is a special treat. It is a very short plant with white or blue flowers and fine leaves that fade into...